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Founders Club ($1000+)



The 917 Society Boards, Founders Club President Dr. Ming Wang and Vice-President Lee Beaman are proud to have North Dakota AMVETS returning this year to help provide our program to their students.

We also appreciate our Tennessee AMVETS leading the way introducing The 917 Society to other AMVETS State Organizations about reaching their state with our program. Below is a note from the Founders Club Members AMVETS POST 20 Commander. They are providing and delivering 10,000 Constitutions to their students to celebrate Constitution Day September 17th! Together we are making a difference! 

Thank you so much for what you are doing. Our North Dakota State AMVETS Commander, Jim Nelson brought this before us and overwhelmingly everyone wanted to make this a priority that every 8th Grader receive one of your pocket Constitutions. AMVETS Post 20 in Steele ND is a small post of 65 members and we are very excited and proud to sponsor a pocket Constitution for every 8th grade student in North Dakota. We hope every student uses this as a guide for the rest of their lives. 

Thank you again, Brian Bartlett AMVETS Post 20 Commander Steele ND

Amvets Of North Dakota Post 20


The 917 Society is excited to Welcome as a 2024 Founders Club member, Julie Cabezas.

Julie Cabezas


The 917 Society, Founders Club President Dr. Ming Wang and Vice President Lee Beaman are excited to announce returning member, Harvey Durham as a Founders Club Member.  

Harvey lives in Hendersonville and owns Harvey Durham Insurance Agency. He helps people with their health insurance needs and is licensed in 37 states. Harvey is one of the top producing agents in the country. 

Harvey is very involved in politics and supporting patriotic causes. He is passionate about helping our Veterans and is a member of the Sons of the American Legion Post 97.  He is an avid Sportsman and hunts all over the world. He is considered one of the best shots in the world and has shot many sub-worlds record groups out past 1,500 yards.

When asked why he joined The 917 Society Founders Club, Harvey said that the youth are our future and if we ground them in the Constitution now, we will reap the rewards as they become voting citizens. 

We are excited to have Harvey�s support.

Harvey Durham


The 917 Society is excited to welcome as a 2024 Founders Club member, Atul Gupta.

Atul Gupta


The 917 Society, Founders Club President Dr. Ming Wang and Vice President Lee Beaman are excited to announce returning member, State Senator Ed Jackson, as a Founders Club Member.  

About Senator Jackson:
•	Born on July 21, 1948
•	Married, wife Marilyn, three children
•	Church of Christ
•	Tennant Company (Retired), Small Business Owner
•	Lambuth University
•	Memphis State University School of Business
•	Ohio State University
•	Tennessee National Guard, 30th Armored Brigade
•	Chair, Calendar Committee
•	Vice-Chairperson, Government Operations Committee
•	Member, Health and Welfare Committee
•	Member, State and Local Government Committee
•	Member, Senate Rules Committee
•	Member, Joint Education, Health and General Welfare Committee
•	Member, Joint Judiciary and Government
•	Senate member of the 109th through 113th General Assemblies
•	V.P of Marketing for the West TN Area Council of the Boy Scouts of America
•	Jackson YMCA Board Member (Former)
•	30th Armored Brigade Association
•	Jackson Rotary Club
•	Jackson Chamber of Commerce
•	Crockett County Chamber of Commerce
•	Dyer County Chamber of Commerce
•	National Rifle Association
•	TN Firearms Association
•	Fraternal Order of Police
•	National Federation of Independent Business
•	Kappa Sigma Fraternity Alumni
•	Eagle Scout
•	Business of the Year by Jackson Chamber of Commerce 2012

Senator Ed Jackson


The 917 Society is excited to have as a Founders Club member, Edgar McCalmon.

Edgar McCalmon


The 917 Society Board welcomes returning Founders Club member, Mark Moore.

Mark Moore


The 917 Society welcomes back to the Founders Club, Dr. Daniel and Charlotte Nelms. 

Dan is a retired college professor/dean as well as a retired United States Air Force active duty chaplain and officer.  He has earned degrees from Western Oregon University, Anderson University, School of Theology (Indiana) and Walden University. He also completed a year-long clinical residency at Wilford Hall Medical Center in San Antonio, Texas.

An eagle scout with over 25 years of scouting, he recently was the hospital chaplain at the 2019 World Scout Jamboree Health Center Summit Bechtel Reserve in West Virginia.

Currently, Dan is the chaplain director of Kairos Prison Ministry International, Middle Tennessee where he supports the religious faith of prisoners at Riverbend Maximum Security Institution in Nashville.

Dan's wife, Charlotte of 49 plus years, is a fine artist. They enjoy swimming, water aerobics, travel and being grandparents. Their daughter, Leanne, manages a financial services business.

Dr. Daniel and Charlotte Nelms


The 917 Society is excited to have as a Founders Club member, Representative John D. Ragan.

Representative Ragan's education includes a BS in Engineering from the USAF Academy and a MS in Aerospace Science from Embry-Riddle University.  He completed his Graduate and Professional Studies at the University of Oklahoma, University of Southern California, University of North Carolina, and University of Tennessee.

Representative Ragan has an impressive military service which includes 24 years USAF commissioned fighter Pilot, RF-4, F-111, OV-10, T-38; Federal accident investigator; wartime command; over four thousand jet flying hours; eight years overseas duty in Africa, Europe and Asia.

Representative Ragan's business experience includes Fortune 20 Company Management Team; Business Consultant for Multiple Fortune 500 clients; 4 Professional Certifications; a Commercial Pilot - Multi-engine & Instrument; and Senior Member American Society for Quality.

Representative Ragan served as a Former Adjunct Faculty member at the University of Tennessee as well as Embry-Riddle University.  He also served as a former local schools' substitute teacher.

Representative Ragan is married, has one adult child and three grandchildren and is a member of the Grace Baptist Church.    He is a former USA Coach for 3 World Championships, a former Youth Sports Team Coach and a former High School Football Official.  He belongs to the Air Force Association and the USAFA Association of Graduates.  He has also served as a Civil Air Patrol Squadron Commander.

Representative Ragan is a member of the Anderson County Chamber of Commerce, Oak Ridge Chamber of Commerce and the American Legion and a VFW Member and an honorary board member of MCSO Historical Association.

Representative Ragan's political experience includes a six-term State Representative, Chair, House Government Operations Committee, Co-Chair, Joint Government Operations Committee, Joint Commerce, Labor, Transportation and Agriculture Subcommittee, Joint Education, Health and General Welfare Subcommittee, Joint Judiciary and Government Subcommittee, Calendar and Rules Committee, Education Administration Committee, K-12 Subcommittee, Education Instruction Committee and Education Instruction Subcommittee, Joint Veterans' Caucus, Co-Chair, National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL), Nuclear Working Group and Southern States Energy Board Executive Committee.

Representative John Ragan


The 917 Society is excited to have as Founders Club members, King and Judy Rogers.

King and Judy Rogers


The 917 Society is excited to have as a Founders Club member, Chairman Robert Sutton.

Chairman Robert Sutton


The 917 Society is excited to have as Founders Club members, Ted and Sharon Williams.  

The Williams' reside on the family farm in Dickson County.  They met and graduated from Freed-Hardeman University and Ted later completed a MBA from Tennessee State University.  

Ted and Sharon are both education majors and were both teachers coming out of college.  They understand the impact of education on a child's life.  Ted soon moved to banking and has invested the last 33 years in a banking career.  

In 1999, he and six other founders chartered a new bank in Dickson County.  It was the first time in 45 years that a new bank had been chartered in the county.  The bank officially opened one second after midnight on January 1, 2000, being the first bank to open its doors in the new millennium.  Ted initially served as President and CEO and now serves as the bank's Vice-Chairman and CEO.  TriStar Bank is now a $350 million community bank, with five branches in three counties in middle Tennessee.  

Ted has served on several non-profit boards and they have been very involved in the Lord's church that meets at the corner of Walnut Street and Center Avenue in Dickson.  

Ted and Sharon have been married for 35 years and they have three grown sons who live in Nashville or central Arkansas.

Ted and Sharon Williams


The 917 Society is excited to have as a Founders Club member, David Blair.

David M. Blair


The 917 Society welcomes the Matthew Cooper family as Founders Club members.

Thank you to the Matthew Cooper Family of Helena Montana for becoming Founders Club Level Donors of the 917 Society.

Matthew and his family are excited to support our mission of Constitution Education for private, home school and public schools. In Matthew's own words, they are "constitutional conservative, freedom loving patriots!"

We are looking forward to serving the students in Montana this year and will serve Lewis and Clark Counties of Montana and others.

Cooper Family Foundation


The 917 Society, Founders Club President Dr. Ming Wang and Vice President Lee Beaman are excited to welcome Celeste Ellich to the Founders Club.

Celiste Ellich


The 917 Society is pleased to have as a Founders Club Member, David Hairston.

David serves on the Executive Board of Directors for the 917 Society.

David Hairston


The 917 Society is excited to have State Senator Jack Johnson as a Founders Club Member.

Jack Johnson grew up in a small town in Texas, but has proudly called Middle Tennessee “home” since graduating from Texas State University with a degree in Education.

Jack and his wife Deanna, the Circuit Court Judge for the 21st Judicial District, are raising their three children in Franklin. Jack and Deanna met over 30 years ago at a Young Republican function, sharing the same conservative values and the same dream of a future filled with faith and family.

Jack was first elected to the Tennessee State Senate in 2006. Since his first day in office he has proudly represented Tennessean’s conservative values. Jack knows that conservative values are Tennessee values, which is why he always fights to lower taxes, defend constitutional rights, secure our southern border, protect our most vulnerable and ensure parents’ always have a voice in their children’s education.
Jack was proud to cast his first vote in the Senate for the first Republican Lieutenant Governor in 140 years.  After only two years, he was appointed as Chairman of the Government Operations Committee.  A year later, he was named Chairman of the Commerce and Labor Committee.  He served as Commerce Committee Chairman for nine years until December of 2018, when he was elected by his Republican colleagues as the Senate Majority Leader.

Jack Johnson has over 20 years of hands-on experience in the financial industry, beginning his career with Third National Bank (now SunTrust).  Over the last few years, Jack worked as the Vice President of Public Affairs for an internet start-up company based in Brentwood.  More recently, Jack serves as the Senior Vice President for Studio Bank in the Cool Springs area.

Senator Johnson proudly represents the 27th District, which includes most of Williamson County. When the day’s work is done, Jack enjoys spending time with his family and playing guitar.

Senator Jack Johnson


We are excited to announce Rodgar and Reba McCalmon as Founding Club Members of The 917 Society.

Rodgar has been working with The 917 Society with his portrayal of Abraham Lincoln for the past several years. The students have enjoyed the videos featuring Lincoln and visits to classrooms. We are currently working on a Bill of Rights video series we hope to film soon featuring President Lincoln.  Rodger was the 2020-2021 Founders Cup Winner.

Rodgar and his wife Reba live in Middle Tennessee. Rodgar and Reba served as senior pastors of Living Grace Fellowship Church in Northern California for many years until relocating in Middle Tennessee. Rodgar is also one of four founders of TAKL, a website and App that allows you to get little jobs done on demand. 

Rodgar said if you want to know why he supports The 917 Society, you have to look no further than his children and grandchildren. He and Reba are parents, grandparents and great-grandparents and want to make sure our youth are grounded in the principles of our beloved U.S. Constitution.

Rodgar and Reba McCalmon


The 917 Society is excited to have Founders Club members, Lee and Brenda Morris.

Lee and Brenda Morris


The 917 Society is excited to have as a Founders Club member, Aaron Pettigrew. 

Aaron shares his biography: 

"I am a career truck driver for over 17 years and twice candidate for the U.S. Senate here in Tennessee. In 1993 I took an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic at the MEPS in Denver, Colorado.  While I didn't get to stay in the Army, medically discharged in basic training, EPTS (existing prior to service,) coming from two veteran families, I knew the gravity of that oath.  Admittedly, I didn't understand the Constitution as well as I do today, partly because the government education system was already treating it as a historical footnote.

As I grew to understand Liberty and Rights better, I chose to learn much more about the Constitution, what it means, why it was written and amended.  This same desire also sparked an interest in news, politics and what was happening at home and around the world. Then 9/11 happened.  Like the majority of people in this republic, those patriotic embers burning inside me instantly became a roaring inferno which has only grown since. The more I learned about the Constitution, the more I also learned that our Federal Government had been intentionally disobeying it at an increasing rate for over a century.  Worse than that, the disobedience is clearly the cause for most of the problems in the United States.  Therefore, I made it my mission in life to do everything I can to restore Constitutional Government to all levels of government. The most important part of that mission is helping young Americans learn the Constitution and that is why I support the 917 Society."

Aaron also serves as a Volunteer and delivered 8,000 Constitutions to Shelby County for 2021.

Aaron Pettigrew


The 917 Society is excited to have as Founders Club members, Dr. Mark and Nicole Sconzo-Rametta.

Dr. Mark & Nicole Sconzo-Rametta


The 917 Society is excited to have as a Founders Club member, Elyse Schloss.

Elyse Schloss


The 917 Society is excited to have as Founders Club members, Eric and Tonya Tuttle.

Eric and Tonja Tuttle


The 917 Society is excited to have as Founders Club members, David and Debbie Winters.    

David Winters is a retired naval officer of the combat line, and patent Attorney, admitted before the Tennessee Bar, the US Patent and Trademark Office, and the United States Supreme Court. He previously served as an international business consultant and negotiator in Europe and Asia. He earned his undergraduate degree from the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis, and his Master of Science from the University of Southern Mississippi, Gulfport. Additionally, he is a law graduate of Oxford Brookes University, Oxford, England, and Southern Illinois University School of Law, Carbondale.

Long a sailing skipper and aviator, he enjoys writing, working on his boat, and piloting an antique airplane on the increasingly rare occasions when he and his aircraft are simultaneously in flying condition. His most recent book is The Pirate�s Guide to Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights.

Commander Winters is married to former Army nurse, Colonel Debbie Tipton-Winters and they have three audacious offspring, Dr. Ian Winters, Miss Patience Winters, and Dr. Charity Winters.

Dave and Debbie Winters


The 917 Society is excited to have as a Founders Club member, Anne Brandner.

Anne Brandner


The 917 Society Founders Club is grateful to have Norma Crow as a Founders Club member. 

Norma is currently a Real Estate Investor and Developer. For 20 years she owned and operated the famous Silver Leaf 1815 Country Inn in Lyles, TN. She earned various awards for her recipes and she also trained her English Setters. She formerly owned the McCabe Shopping Center in Sylvan Park where she renovated and recruited select tenants including a #1 Nashville restaurant. 

Norma and her late husband, Johnny V. Crow, were both Tennessee State Senators and she was the first woman appointed to the Tennessee Wildlife Resource Commission, where she served as President. 

As a successful business woman and entrepreneur, she understands the importance of our Constitution and is excited to support in The 917 Society and their mission. 

She currently resides in Nashville and owns Marketplace Realty and Choice City Homes, with offices in Germantown.

Norma Crow


The 917 Society is pleased to have GR's Foundation as a member of the Founders Club.

GR's Foundation


The 917 Society welcomes Dwight and Cindy Haldeman to the Founders Club. 

Dwight and Cindy are currently retired and live in Florida, but formerly lived in Nashville, where they learned of The 917 Society and our mission to educate our youth about our Constitution. 

We appreciate their generous support as Founders Club Members.

Dwight And Cindy Haldeman


The 917 Society, Founders Club President Dr. Ming Wang and Vice President Lee Beaman are excited to announce returning member, Betsy Ligon, to the Founders Club.

Betsy Ligon


The 917 Society welcomes returning member JP Mitchell to the 917 Founders Club.  

JP David Mitchell is Owner of The Internet Business Group and is founder of The U.S. Conservative Majority.  Originally from Mobile, Alabama, JP has lived  in the Brentwood, Cool Springs Area in Tennessee for the last 17 years.  He has also lived in Carlsbad, California, Ft Worth, Texas,  Atlanta, Georgia  and Birmingham, Alabama.  

JP has been a follower of Jesus Christ since September 21,1979 and states that he "loves The 917 Society Mission".

JP Mitchell


The 917 Society Board welcomes Natalie Murray to the Founders Club.

Natalie Murray


The 917 Society is excited to have as a Founders Club member, Elvira Plavsic.

Elvira Plavsic


The 917 Society is excited to have as a Founders Club member, Senator Kerry Roberts. 

Senator Kerry Roberts was first elected to the Tennessee Senate in 2011 to represent Robertson and Sumner counties. He was re-elected to the Tennessee Senate in 2014 to represent Robertson, Cheatham, Dickson, Hickman, and Humphreys counties. Senator Roberts is recognized for his diplomacy, statesmanship, and effectiveness by not only his colleagues but the media. He frequently appears on Nashville television and radio to discuss state legislative matters. He serves on the Judiciary Committee, Government Operations Committee, and Energy, Environment, and Agriculture Committee.

Kerry is a Certified Public Accountant (inactive) and small business owner. Married since 1987, Kerry and Dianne, along with their three children, live on a small farm in a 150-year old house where Kerry enjoys working with antique tractors. Kerry also serves as a Volunteer for The 917 Society and delivers Constitutions each year to his Robertson County School District.

Senator Kerry Roberts


The 917 Society is pleased to have as Founders Club Members, Ray and Theresa Seebode.

Ray and Theresa Seebode


The 917 Society is excited to have as  Founders Club members, Mike and Teresa Tuttle.

The Tuttles are originally from Ohio and Florida. They met in Florida. and have been married 50 plus years. They have two sons and six grandchildren.  Mike is a retired U.S. Army Capt. and Computer Consultant and Teresa is a retired Mental Health nurse, RNC. 

They have traveled the world in Europe, Middle East, China/Asia and Down-under. They have lived in Germany and the Middle East. They settled in Tennessee in 1998 and have been in Cheatham County since 2005.  Both are active in civic and political organizations. Teresa and Mike also serve as volunteers helping with our database and distribution to the schools.

Mike and Teresa Tuttle


The 917 Society is excited to have as a Founders Club member, Ira Work. 

Ira holds several designations in the area of financial planning, including Chartered Financial Consultant, Accredited Investment Fiduciary and Accredited Investment Fiduciary and Accredited Asset Management Specialist.

Ira works with Paul Winkler Inc. and is often heard on the Investor Coaching Show on WTN 99.7FM on Saturday afternoon from 3:00-6:00pm. He supports conservative causes and is a staunch defender of our Constitution. 

We appreciate his continued support of our mission as we work to educate our youth about our Constitution and Founding Principles.

Ira Work


The 917 Society, Founders Club President Dr. Ming Wang and Vice-President Lee Beaman welcome back to the Founders Club, Representative Jeffery Burkhart. 

Jeffery is a life-long resident of Clarksville, Montgomery County. He graduated from Northwest High School in 1980 and has since received an Associate's Degree in Fire Science from Volunteer State Community College in 2014. Shortly after he graduated high school he started working for the City of Clarksville at the Gas & Water Dept. In 1982, he transferred to the Fire Department and worked his way up through the ranks to the leadership role of Assistant Fire Chief. In 1985, he began his career in the construction industry and has since grown a successful business developing commercial and residential subdivisions, as well as building commercial and residential properties. 

Jeff was elected to Ward 12 of the City Council for the City of Clarksville in 2008 and re-elected again in 2012 and 2016. Jeff's basic belief is that of a fiscal conservative - meaning spending to improve all citizens' quality of life, not taxing everyone for the benefit of a "special few". He is a business owner, a former city employee, and a city council person; and Jeff has never voted for a tax increase for the citizens of Clarksville. 

Jeff Burkhart lives in Clarksville, Montgomery County, Tennessee and is a member of Hilldale Church of Christ. He has one daughter, Meredith Grace Burkhart, who attends Lipscomb University in Nashville. Jeff also has personally volunteered and delivered Constitutions to 8th graders in his area for Constitution Day during The 917 Society Pocket Constitution distribution.

Representative Jeff Burkhart


The 917 Society welcomes returning member, Kip Dodson, to the Founders Club.  

Kip is a passionate entrepreneur that loves to improve lives and outcomes for people everyday;  "A Moment's Peace Salon & Day Spa - is one of his creations. It delivers more beauty and peace than anyone around. He is also the co-founder and board member of, which distributes local digital news and helps small businesses advertise and focus more on their strengths. In his community he serves on these local non-profit boards: 

	          - Brentwood Noon Rotary, Ravenwood Athletics Club
	          - Tennessee Immigrant and Minority Business Group (
	          - Hispanic Organization for Leaders and Achievers (HOLA) in Tennessee ( 

At home you can find Kip at local youth sports events - or cheering-on his family and friends, just another one of his passions.  Foremost, Kip loves to educate everyone on the history and specific details of our constitutional rights.   He says, "Often times we overlook our God-given rights that are memorialized in one of the best documents to ever exist in the history of the world, our US Constitution." 

This is why he supports the 917 Society, and encourages others to do the same. It is beyond powerful to show people how brief it is, yet has uplifted so many people.

Kip Dodson


The 917 Society, Founders Club President Dr. Ming Wang and Vice President Lee Beaman are excited to announce returning member, U.S. Congressman Mark Green, as a Founders Club Member.  

Congressman Mark Green first took the oath of office to represent the 7th District of Tennessee in Congress on January 3, 2019. It is the exact oath he first took as a cadet, on the historic Plain at West Point more than thirty years earlier. 

As a successful business leader, decorated combat veteran, ER physician, and former Tennessee State Senator, Green is uniquely equipped to represent the people of his district.

The son of a hardworking father and loving mother, Congressman Mark Green grew up on a dirt road in Mississippi. He came to Tennessee in his last assignment in the Army as the flight surgeon for the premier special operations aviation regiment. As a Night Stalker, Green deployed to both Iraq and Afghanistan in the War on Terror. His most memorable mission was the capture of Saddam Hussein. During the mission, he interrogated Hussein for six hours. The encounter is detailed in a book Green authored, A Night With Saddam. Congressman Green was awarded the Bronze Star, the Air Medal with V Device for Valor, among many others.

After his service in the Army, Green founded an emergency department staffing company that grew to over $200 million in annual revenue. The company provided staffing to 52 hospitals across 11 states. He also founded two medical clinics that provide free healthcare to under-served populations in Memphis and Clarksville as well as numerous medical mission trips throughout the world.
Green was elected to the Tennessee State Senate in 2012, where he distinguished himself as a conservative leader that fought for freedom and smaller government for all Tennesseans. His many legislative accomplishments include the repeal of the Hall Income Tax and the passage of the Tennessee Teacher Bill of Rights. He won the National Federation of Independent Businesses' Guardian of Small Business award and the Latinos for Tennessee's Legislator of the Year award, among many other recognitions.

In Congress, Green has worked tirelessly on behalf of people of Tennessee's 7th District. He serves on the House Armed Services Committee, House Foreign Affairs Committee, and the Select Committee on the Coronavirus Crisis. In addition, Green serves as Ranking Member of the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere, Civilian Security, Migration, and International Economic Policy.

Green has sponsored 24 pieces of legislation and cosponsored 168 pieces of legislation over issues facing the people of Tennessee. From strengthening rural healthcare, to holding China accountable, to supporting Gold Star families and bringing American businesses back home, Congressman Green's well-rounded background in business, healthcare, and the military has made him distinctly qualified to address such issues.

Congressman Green's experience building a successful healthcare company equips him to take on wasteful spending and over-regulation from Washington. He introduced the Balanced Budget Amendment to the Constitution that requires Congress to pass a balanced budget and stick to it.

His 24 years of service - between the Academy, active duty Army and Army Reserves - have impressed upon him the need for a well-cared for military family. Green made veteran families a priority during his time in the Tennessee State Senate, and has continued to do so during his time in Congress. His first bill introduced in the House was the Protecting Gold Star Spouses Act that allows for spouses to continue receiving benefits during government shutdowns. He introduced another bill for Gold Star families, the Protecting Gold Star Children Act, which places children receiving benefits in the appropriate tax bracket.
Green has also worked to improve resources for the mental and physical health of veterans. He introduced the Spiritual Readiness amendment to the NDAA to address spiking numbers of veteran suicides. In addition, he led the bipartisan fight to include provisions for veterans subjected to toxic exposure while serving at the K2 Air Base in Uzbekistan during the War on Terror. In January of 2021, the President signed an Executive Order modeled after Rep. Green's bipartisan K2 Veterans Toxic Exposure Accountability Act that requests the Secretary of Defense recognize Uzbekistan as a combat zone for purposes of medical care. This action represents a crucial step toward recognition of K2 veterans- severe and deadly service-connected illnesses.

His time serving in the Armed Forces also made him aware of the need for strong American leadership internationally and the threat China poses to this generation. Green has introduced 5 bills to hold China accountable: The Our Money in China Transparency Act, the Bring American Companies Home Act, the Protecting Federal Networks Act, the Secure Our Systems Against China's Tactics Act, and the China Technology Transfer Control Act. He also introduced a resolution demanding China's repayment of sovereign debt held by American families.

As a physician, Green recognizes life begins at conception and firmly advocates for the unborn. He introduced the Born-Alive Survivors Protection Act that requires medical attention for infants born during abortions. Green also brings the unique perspective of doctor, healthcare administrator, and cancer survivor to the issues surrounding rural healthcare in America. He introduced the bipartisan Rural Health Care Access Act and the Rural ER Access Act to cut regulation and improve emergency medical care in rural hospitals.

Congressman Green has won multiple awards for his work in Congress, including the American Freedom Fund's Legislator of the Year Award for his work to empower veterans and the Guardian of Small Business award from the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB). Green received a perfect A+ rating from the Susan B. Anthony List for his pro-life voting record. He also received the impressive distinction of being unanimously voted President of the Republican freshman class in the House of Representatives.
Green resides in Clarksville, Tenn., with his wife, Camilla. They are the proud parents of two grown children.

U.S. Congressman Mark Green


The 917 Society Board, Founders Club President Dr. Ming Wang and Vice President Lee Beaman welcome back Ed and Joni Hargrove to the Founders Club. 

Joni is a graduate of Austin Peay State University and recently retired from Austin Peay after 29+ years of service. Joni is politically active throughout the District and is Co-Chairman of the HCRP. She is a member of several organizations, such as the Tennessee Firearms Association, TRA, TFRW, Ambassador to the Beacon Center, Red River Women, MCRW, Rural Tennessee Speaks and others. 

Joni is very passionate about building a better tomorrow for our children and understands the importance of educating our youth with the principles in our Constitution. She serves as the Community Advisory Board Chair for The 917 Society and is actively working to help raise awareness and membership for the organization. 

Joni and Ed live in Houston County with son, Taylor Lindsey. Joni is the daughter of the late John (Rip) and Betty Schmidt, also of Houston County and a member of Elk Creek Baptist Church in Stewart County, TN.

Ed and Joni Hargrove


The 917 Society Board welcomes returning member, Representative Mary Littleton, to The 917 Society Founders Club.

Mary Littleton is a current state representative and has 20 years� experience as a small business owner. She is active in the community and serves on the twenty-third judicial district Child Advocacy Board.

Mary is a former Vice Chairman of the Tennessee Republican Party. Mary serves as Chairman of the House Children and Families subcommittee. Americans for Prosperity recognized Mary as a Taxpayer Hero for her votes to cut taxes and support fiscally conservative budgets.

She is the mother of four adult children and grandmother to five. Mary is a member of the National Rifle Association and Pond Church of Christ. Mary also serves as a 917 Society Volunteer and delivers Constitutions each year to students in her district of Cheatham and Dickson Counties.

Representative Mary Littleton


The 917 Society Board welcomes returning Founders Club member, State Representative Jerome Moon. 
Representative Moon was elected to District 8, a portion of Blount County. He is a former newspaper publisher, US Navy Vietnam Veteran and served as Chair of the Blount County Commission for seven years before coming to the State House of Representatives in 2017. Moon was elected to the 111th General Assembly in November 2018. 

Representative Moon is active in the AmVets Post 22 and we appreciate Representative Moon for working with AmVets and connecting The 917 Society to partner on the Constitution Day Project.  

For the past several years, AmVets TN has distributed Constitutions to 8th graders in TN with 40,000 distributed this past Constitution Day. Several Am Vets posts conducted programs at the schools during the Celebrate Freedom Week activities and their stories have been inspirational and made a positive impact on our youth. Because of the success of the program with the Tennessee AmVets under the Command of Mark Frederick, the National AmVets Foundation will be working with us again to reach the 40 states they have AmVets Posts. 

We appreciate Representative Moon leading by example and upholding our Constitution, as is his oath of office.

Representative Jerome Moon


The 917 Society is excited to have as a Founders Club member, Charles "Chuck" Naab.  Chuck has been a 917 Society Founders Club Member since 2019.

Charles "Chuck" Naab, a native of southern Indiana, has been a resident of Nashville since 1999. He holds a bachelor's degree from Purdue University and is Business Development Manager for Orange Commercial Credit-Olympia, Washington.

Naab participates in numerous civic and business  organizations, serving on a variety of boards, including founding member of the BELL Garden. He is past President of Bellevue Exchange Club, past Treasurer of Davidson County Republican Party, and an active member of World Outreach Church-Murfreesboro, Tennessee.

Chuck Naab


The 917 Society is excited to have as a Founders Club member, Senator Bill Powers. 

Senator Bill Powers serves District 22 in the state of Tennessee. Listed below is his biographical information:

Born and raised in Clarksville Graduate of Clarksville High School Bachelor of Arts, English/History from The University of Tennessee, Knoxville.  Bill and his wife, Fran, have three children, Spence, Louise, and Henry 

Community Involvement: 
o	Elected two terms to the Clarksville City Council Graduate, 
o	Leadership Clarksville Graduate, 
o	Leadership Middle Tennessee Vice President, 
o	CMCSS Education Foundation Advisory Council, 
o	University of Tennessee Alumni Association Board member, 
o	Better Business Bureau of Clarksville Board of Governors, 
o	University of Tennessee Board member, 
o	Roxy Regional Theatre Board of Directors at CDE Lightband, 
o	City of Clarksville Board member, 
o	United Way of Greater Clarksville Chairman, 
o	Clarksville Gas & Water Chairman, 
o	Board of Zoning Appeals, 
o	City of Clarksville Board of Convention and Visitors Bureau, 
o	City of Clarksville Charter Revision Committee, 
o	City of Clarksville Finance Committee, 
o	City of Clarksville Board Member & Past Chairman, 
o	Clarksville Parks & Recreation Economic Development Council, 

Senator Powers also has served as a volunteer going into the Clarksville schools personally delivering Constitutions to the 8th grade classrooms.

Senator Bill Powers


The 917 Society is excited to have as a Founders Club member, Kay Rodriguez.

Kay Rodriguez


The 917 Society are excited to have as Founders Club members, Richard and Myra Simons.  

Rick and Myra Simons have been 917 members since 2021. They strongly believe in the U.S. Constitution and everything that it stands for and wanted to play a part in getting this vital document into our public schools to teach school-age children it's importance.  

Rick has been a commercial airline pilot for 30 years. He is originally from Ft. Worth, TX, but came to TN to earn his flight instruction certificate in Nashville. From his hours of instructing other young men to fly, he gained enough hours to apply for a pilot position with American Eagle Airlines based in Nashville at the time. He is now based out of Chicago O'Hare and has gained much seniority from his many years of service to the airlines. 

Beginning in 2009, Myra was the Assistant Director of the workers compensation program out of Baptist Hospital helping to develop a medical provider network in all of Middle TN. That program is now a national network. Then in 2016, she was asked to serve as the TN Grassroots Director for the Ted Cruz for President campaign developing county chairmen in all 95 TN counties.

Beginning in 2017 Myra served as the Grassroots Director for the Mark Green for Congress campaign in the 7th Congressional District of TN. Just this year, she was asked to serve as the Sr. Spokesperson for Congressman Green covering the 19 counties of the 7th district. Beginning in January 2023, the district will cover 14 counties.

Rick and Myra have been married nearly 30 years and have two grown boys who still live in the Murfreesboro area. They are members of the Rutherford County Baptist Church in Smyna, TN. They base their beliefs and way of life in their grounded faith in Christ.

Richard And Myra Simons


The 917 Society is excited to have as a Founders Club member, Tommy Vallejos. 

Tommy is a former two-term Montgomery County Commissioner. During his tenure, he has represented all 95 counties in stopping unfunded mandates, while serving as the President of the Tennessee County Commissioners Association. He retired from the Army as a Sergeant First Class, having served as an Infantryman for 21 years. Mr. Vallejos time in service took him to the 7th Inf Div, 2nd Inf Div on the DMZ, Alaska and the Northern Warfare Center, Germany and three years as a Drill Sgt. He also served twice with the 101st Airborne Division of which one was during Desert Shield and Desert Storm.

Currently, he serves on the ministry team of Mosaic Church in Clarksville, TN. He also is the Chairman of Latinos for Tennessee, the states only Hispanic conservative organization. He also was appointed to the TRICOR board in 2019 by Governor Bill Lee. Pastor Tommy also is working with Men of Valor and its outreach program. He currently serves on The 917 Society Advisory Board and is honored to join the 917 Society as a Founder In support of Constitution Education.

Tommy Vallejos

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