Constitutional Education
917 Society e-Constitution
e-Book of The United States Constitution that you can put on your phone and carry with you for quick access. Download this to your phone so that you will have it handy!
1776 Unites
1776 Unites curriculum includes lesson plans, assignments, discussion questions, multimedia, and other resources.
Aitken Bible Historical Foundation
Authentic reproductions of the Aitken Bible, a primary source of the American Revolution
Civics Literacy Curriculum Lessons
A big THANK YOU to Allen W. Kessinger, Master Sergeant, USA (Ret), US History, 8B, Student Advocate, Falcon Archery & Football, Stewarts Creek Middle School for creating this awesome Resource. There are a total of ten lessons along with a study guide and cards as well as a teacher guide for how to use the pocket constitutions with the lessons.
Constitution Games and Knowledge Test
A big THANK YOU to Keith Broaders in Florida for sharing with us these free games and activities for students on The 917 Society website as a resource. Thanks also for sharing our website. Working together, we are making a difference one classroom at time! Click on the link to see the games and test your knowledge of our Constitution.
American Constitution Center
Video Message on the Constitution. Go to the website to get the resource.
National Constitution Center
Historic Storytelling, Constitutional Interpretation Skills, and Civil Dialogue and Reflection
American Legion Oratorical Program (Speech Contest)
The Oratorical Program is a function of the American Legions’ “Americanism Pillar”. The Oratorical Program is a constitutional speech contest for high school students and it offers scholarships upwards of $25,000. The contest has a prepared oration and an assigned topic which is assigned the day of the contest. The prepared oration must be on some aspect of the Constitution, with emphasis on a citizen’s duties and obligations to our government. The same subject and oration used in the department contest must be used in the national contest. The purpose of the assigned topic discourse is to test the speaker’s knowledge of the subject, the extent of his or her research, and the ability to discuss the topic as related to the basic principles of government under the Constitution.
Amvets National Americanism Contests
Download the Contest Guide Follow this Guide to enter the Contests
Constitution Study
Read and study the Constitution Free articles, videos, and podcasts Daily podcast on The America Out Loud Network
Bill of Rights Institution
Teacher and Student Resources A good resource for both teachers and students
The American Constitution 101
Audiobook and Audio CD on the Constitution Great audio resource for good information
Constituting America
Constitution Day Classroom Resources, Constitution 90 Day Studies, Constitutional Chats
Constitution Camp
Sandi Wells developed this Guidebook to help you plan a one-day program to share her program on how to teach the Constitution to children in her Camp Constitution program, which she developed and implemented through the Williamson County Republican Women’s Club.
Daughters of the American Revolution
Lesson Plans that focus on America, its history, government, heritage DAR is a wonderful resource for Constitutional resources
Hillsdale College
Online class: Meaning and History of the Constitution Enroll in this online course
Junior Scholastic
Lesson Plan: 5 Minute guide to the Constitution If you're needing something brief, this is a great resource
Lesson Planet
An Interactive Resource to the Constitution A great resource to become actively involved
Historic Philadelphia, Gettysburg, & Amish Country
ENRICHMENT TRAVEL SERVICES offers a customizable tour so group leaders can choose desired dates for the group.
A biopic which chronicles Dr. Ming Wang’s rise from poverty and violence, growing up in 1960s China, to his migration to the U.S. It shows his struggles with racial discrimination, and rise to become a world-class surgeon who would design new technology to help restore sight to millions. Children learn about Communist China
Short Synopsis Videos of Amendments 1-10
Florida Citizens’ Alliance champions K-12 education reform in Florida. As a volunteer run 501c3 nonprofit, we advocate for parental choice and other common-sense solutions that fuel student success with 100% of donations going directly to educating the public and supporting legislative action. FLAC works to unleash the learning potential of every one of Florida’s 2.8 million students so they can become productive and fulfilled citizens in our constitutional republic.
The Tennessee Star
Digital Media Guide to the Constitution and Constitution Bee This is a great resource.
Can You Pass the U.S. Citizenship Exam?
YouTube Synopsis of Amendments 1-10
Courtesy of the Florida Citizens' Alliance