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Amvets Of North Dakota Post 20

The 917 Society Boards, Founders Club President Dr. Ming Wang and Vice-President Lee Beaman are proud to have North Dakota AMVETS returning this year to help provide our program to their students.

We also appreciate our Tennessee AMVETS leading the way introducing The 917 Society to other AMVETS State Organizations about reaching their state with our program. Below is a note from the Founders Club Members AMVETS POST 20 Commander. They are providing and delivering 10,000 Constitutions to their students to celebrate Constitution Day September 17th! Together we are making a difference!

Thank you so much for what you are doing. Our North Dakota State AMVETS Commander, Jim Nelson brought this before us and overwhelmingly everyone wanted to make this a priority that every 8th Grader receive one of your pocket Constitutions. AMVETS Post 20 in Steele ND is a small post of 65 members and we are very excited and proud to sponsor a pocket Constitution for every 8th grade student in North Dakota. We hope every student uses this as a guide for the rest of their lives.

Thank you again, Brian Bartlett AMVETS Post 20 Commander Steele ND

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