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Kip Dodson

The 917 Society welcomes returning member, Kip Dodson, to the Founders Club.

Kip is a passionate entrepreneur that loves to improve lives and outcomes for people everyday; "A Moment's Peace Salon & Day Spa - is one of his creations. It delivers more beauty and peace than anyone around. He is also the co-founder and board member of, which distributes local digital news and helps small businesses advertise and focus more on their strengths. In his community he serves on these local non-profit boards:

- Brentwood Noon Rotary, Ravenwood Athletics Club
- Tennessee Immigrant and Minority Business Group (
- Hispanic Organization for Leaders and Achievers (HOLA) in Tennessee (

At home you can find Kip at local youth sports events - or cheering-on his family and friends, just another one of his passions. Foremost, Kip loves to educate everyone on the history and specific details of our constitutional rights. He says, "Often times we overlook our God-given rights that are memorialized in one of the best documents to ever exist in the history of the world, our US Constitution."

This is why he supports the 917 Society, and encourages others to do the same. It is beyond powerful to show people how brief it is, yet has uplifted so many people.

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