"It was a very Patriotic afternoon for the 8th graders at Ringgold Middle School. With a donation from the 917 Society, Brittany and I were able to provide each student with a copy of the US Constitution. We were joined by State Representatives Andrew Kuzma and Tim O'Neal. They both spoke briefly about the importance of the constitution and Tim O'Neal took questions from the students. Andrew brought a flag for every student and Tim brought copies of the PA State Constitution. A special thanks to principal Tim McKay and Asst. principal Wesley Yeater for their support in bringing this great event to the students. Pictured left to right; Brittany Macioce, Andrew Kuzma (39th District), Tim O'Neal (48th District), Heather Wilhelm (Our school district happens to fall into 2 different districts which is why we had both reps.) The picture of the student is my son and you have permission to use that for your newsletter. Thank you for all that you do. I plan to send a similar email to M4L and will ask them to reach out to you about the upcoming Summit. Heather"
Thank You so much Heather! ..